County All Stars is a registered, 501(c)3 non-profit. Along with our community partners, we utilize this platform to show the direct correlation between strength of character and personal growth, On the field, these players are high acheivers. Off the field, they face many challenges as they navigate life, and, often through the lens of a PC culture. This can leave them vulnerable and unprepared when dealing with everyday or life-changing circumstances. We believe the great equalizer to that is CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT: specifically. LEADERSHIP & SERVICE TO OTHERS. This is acheived by virtue of our awards dinner message and the example set by our character award winners, guest speakers, and the organizations that they represent.
Using our website as a vehicle, we want to showcase their examples of service to others and the impact it has on them and their communities. Additionally, our goal is to provide them life-skill, and tangible resources as they move from station-to-station in life.